Specializing in emergency preparedness and response for the unique environment
Single Source Page for Abandoned Mine Data and Research
This page is designed as a single source for emergency responders who may need to respond to abandoned mine emergencies, particularly in the Colorado Rockies. This page is subject to continued updates and addition, and if you have information, feel free to contact us and help us improve this data set.
Disclaimer: Entry into abandoned mines and caves is inherently dangerous, and many of these dangers cannot be mitigated. Usage of personal protective equipment cannot mitigate all the hazards, and entry can only happen at extreme risk. Aperture Natural Resources is not liable for any result of entry into an abandoned mines. This information is simply provided to help responders in their response actions, not to help with unlawful entry by unqualified persons.
In the event of a mine rescue emergency, contact your local emergency response authority. Emergency responders- if in need of mine rescue assistance, contact the Colorado School of Mines Mine Rescue Team. See organizations.mines.edu/minerescue for contact information, or call Mines Police (303-273-3333) to activate the team.

Golden "Fault Caves"
Jurisdiction: Golden Fire Department, Jefferson County Sheriff
General Description
Common Hazards
Origin, Ownership
Mitigation and Response History

North Golden Clay Mine
Jurisdiction: Golden Fire Department, Jefferson County Sheriff
General Description
Common Hazards
Origin, Ownership
Mitigation and Response History